1st Annual Charlotte Crime Stoppers Run/Walk
July 20, 2024

Join us for the 1st Annual Charlotte Crime Stoppers 5K Run/Walk on July 20, 2024!  Let's come together to support a safer community. Register now to run or walk: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1st-annual-charlotte-crime-stoppers-5k-runwalk-registration-920306600817?aff=ebdssbdestsearch . Can't make it? You can still support us here:https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=2-OZ2jjAhPVyEVO3Y0DlDj3fldHYqPuOGtGY1Zc26uVlmTJHA-sNn0M9jx8SXvrdV6skIDcFFbgT07Fb  Together, we can make a difference! #CharlotteCrimeStoppers5K #RunForSafety

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